Saturday, December 24, 2011

What Do They Think (Poem)

What Do They Think? By me aka Seekingsunshine

What do they think

When they look in my eyes
Do they see my silent tears
Knowing how hard I try

Wanting you to have a good education
Trying for you to get accommodations
Wanting you to succeed
The school district is filled with greed

Talking of cost cuts, budget deficits
Going to our meetings putting up fits
Never giving up till I get you what is right
Never giving up, I give them a good fight

When I call the school
They know us by first names
Feeling as if
We are in some hall of fame

Telling me that I
Should be a professional advocate
Can't do that now
Because I give you all I've got

Fighting for my own boys
To succeed in life's dreams
Not the dreams of others
But the ones your hearts see

Not wanting you to be like others
Only be what is your own best
Others not seeing that
We put them to the test

Do you see what I see
Know what I know
Do you know what is in my son's heart
Do you watch to see him grow

Not knowing what he is inside
Not knowing how hard I tried
Sometimes in the shadows
I know they wish I'd hide

My son's needs, wants, and desires
Are what I want them so see so dearly
His education I wish they would
Accommodate so fairly

Take the time to see
What my little boy holds inside
His heart is filled with so many feelings
Their negativity overcomes his pride

Do they see what I see
Do they know what I know
They do not hold his hand
They do not know what goes on in his land

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