I've learned:
- To speak up to get him the help he needs.
- To be such a good advocate that others have told me I should go into doing it for a career.
- To fight for everything he needs.
- That I am stronger than I ever thought I was.
- That this is a journey not a race. "It doesn't matter how fast we get there... It's the climb....(Miley Cyrus)".
- To increase my patience.
- A ton about mental health, autism, diagnoses, educational stuff and meds.
- That when times are tough to never give up hope because sometimes it is all we have left and things really can get better.
- That sometimes the hardest decisions we have to make for our children also turn out to be the best.
- To trust that little voice inside me. I think as mother's we have an instinct. Sometimes when I was so stubborn that I did not listen to that things got bad. I think we just know when things are not right with our children.
- To never give up on anything, especially getting our children the help they need. If things with one care professional don't seem right then seek out another one until you find a good fit.
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