The chosen ones by me aka Seekingsunshine
We were given these children for a reason
We were chosen with care
Something was seen inside us
That others did not possess
We must look forward to the sun
And learn to “Dance in the Rain”
For if we don’t
We’re bound to be overcome with sorrow and pain
Days go by
Some we want to cry a river
The storms come and we hope for sun
But some days it is so dark there is none
Acceptance doesn’t come easy
First come grief through all it’s stages
Then we can appreciate
The sun shining through between the rages
We need to cherish the good times
Locking them up in a special place in our hearts
For when the bad times come along
They will give us something to hold onto and a reason to be strong
Things can get better they used to calmly say
Things seemed so hopeless back in those days
There were too many struggles to ever think that could be true
Now I know the sun shines bright in our skies filled with blue
Sometimes the clouds might come
But quickly we can overcome
The storms that come our way
Because you are a different child today
Years ago you struggled my dear one
Filled with anger and rage each day
Never thinking that this
Battle could be won
Had to make decisions so difficult
Rivers, streams and oceans my heart cried silently inside
As I dreamed of all I hoped you would be
Accepting that things were different, I began to cherish you and be the best mom I could be.
Something we do not know is perfection
I stopped striving for that long ago
Searching for direction and a new beginning
I learned all I could and kept striving along
Times can get tough as they often will
Baby steps are sometimes all we can take
Happy in my heart is what you make
The small moments in which I wish time could stand still
As things can get better
Than we ever would have thought
Not the future we planned
But the one that we sought
Good enough is not perfect
We learned that in this life or we will see
It is when you try your best and never give up
Shining bright in my heart you always will be
Keep the hope
For it is never known
How much tomorrow will bring
Our hearts may just sing with joy
Keeping hopes for tomorrow
Being a better day filled with sun
If we make it there peacefully
That will be one part of the journey we have won
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