Wednesday, April 4, 2012


This afternoon I seen DH and had a care plan meeting with his phosp social worker.  They put him on Depakote.  DH seemed okay.  He didn't make much eye contact with me at all though which is different.  I think I might have hurt his feelings before he went in when he was really unstable that day and I told him i did not want to be with him anymore.  :(  I apologized for saying what I did.  His worker thought it was awesome how DH and I seem to be on the same page about his care plus how much I know him.  He said he was amazed how good I seemed to be doing with everything.  I told him honestly it can get very frustrating sometimes dealing with him when he's unstable.  So the meeting went well.  I gave some valuable input the worker said.  I told him that the best meds DH has been on in the past were his Seroquel and Geodone.  IDK exactly what else they are doing with his meds.  DH has it in his brain that he wants to come home Friday.  Tonight on the phone I told him he should stay until the docs said he's ready.  He told me that they can't tell him when he's ready and that he doesn't see staying when he does not need to be there.  Ugh.  I hate it when he gets like that.  He does seem much calmer than when he went in though.  I could tell that from our visit.

This evening Honeybunches had counseling.  That went pretty well until it was almost over.  Then I hear his counselor screaming my name up the hall.  I turn the corner to see her restraining him.  He tried trashing her office again and she admits he scares her.  She feels intimidated by him and that's not good.  He's good at knowing things like that and pushing more buttons because of it.  In the hall he grabbed her breast really hard.  Out of instinct she smacked him!!!! She apologized to me about 4x.  I told her I was not mad.  Now please don't get me wrong.  Any other counselor, I would have been pissed, infuriated, very upset, filing complaints and finding a new counselor.  She has been with him since he was three.  She normally has the patience of a saint.  Any other counselor would have given up long ago.  In fact a couple have, but she quickly took him back.  She's been a blessing in his life.  Tonight I realized just how intimidated she is of him though.  She admitted she is.  While he was in the bathroom we talked for a bit.  He brought up how Daddy was in the phosp.  She began talking about his feelings, which he hates to do.  He seemed okay until the appointment was over, then he began having the meltdown.  The thought passed through my head while driving home if he'd be better off with a male counselor, but IDK if anyone would have the patience to get through to him like she has.  As I mentioned, I am letting that incident go.  I don't hit him.... EVER.... but maybe he will learn that he can't just go touching women.  Hypersexuality used to be a big issue with him, but his phosp stay back in the beginning of 2009 squashed that for a long time. Anyways, because his counselor is who she is, has dealt with Honeybunches since he was three, has dealt with him through so much, and because of her other good qualities I am not going to file a complaint.  I hope she does not get fired because she hit him in the hall and the pdoc seen her do it.  She is getting older, so I hope this does not cause her to retire.  When we left the counseling appointment he said "So no computer right"?  I said "Nope" so he knew that was part of his consequence.  I didn't let him go to the Dollar Tree as we had planned. He asked to go there to spend his $5 from doing the garbage cans which Gramma pays him each week. Part of me was thinking of letting him go because it would make things easier to get him the half hour home, but that would not have been the proper way to deal with things.  He was mad about not going there in the beginning after I told him.  He smacked the door of the Blazer a few times, but that was all.  He dealt with it much better than I thought he would have.  I was expecting that blowing up way more and was making plans of where would be a good spot to pull over and how I'd deal with it lol.  He fell asleep within minutes of driving and napped all the way home.  Phew!!!

Yesterday Honeybunches was awesome without any issues.  Today at school he was good too, but did have a tumble off the swing at the end of the day that scared him more than anything.  He was not hurt, but came home in a bad mood I am thinking because of that.

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