Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Boy I Didn't Want To See

So DH came home on Friday.  Right away the chaos began.  Not with him, but with the phosp.  They were supposed to call in his meds to the pharmacy.  They upped his Seroquel to double what it was before he went.  They also put him on Depakote and raised another med.  Well, they didn't even call in his new Seroquel!  Then he called them to talk about it.  The social worker from the phosp said for him to call his regular pdoc.  The regular pdoc is not the one who prescribed the new dose!  Rrrrr.  Anyways, that phosp stay seemed to do absolutely nothing.  He said he's still hallucinating.  He continues to isolate a lot and seems very depressed.  He's not irritable, but his depression seems more severe than it was before he went on his "Vacation".  He said he's going to go back to crisis on Friday.  I'll tell them he needs a different phosp.  I don't care if it is across the state!

Today Dh worked at the book fair for a few hours.  He was not home when Honeybunches got off the bus.  It was "The Boy I Didn't Want To See" and not my loving Honeybunches who came off that bus.  He wanted to immediately go see him.  Volunteering at the bookfair (PTO run) is like working so I could not just bring him there.  I told him that I'd call him and see if he could go stay with him for a little while when I went to Honeybunches' conference.  Well that was not soon enough.  He got very frustrated. Here is what about a half hour consisted of:

  • Me restraining him 3x
  • Pulling my hair really hard, so hard that he made me cry
  • Kicking me
  • Dumping a whole container of iced tea all over the kitchen
  • Throwing a bottle of cleaning solution on the floor
  • Pinching me
  • Throwing a container of kool-aid on the floor, making a huge mess again and breaking the container
  • Trying to hit me with the broom
  • Dumping all the train tracks and trains out of a toy box
  • Kicking the toy box
  • Pushing everything off the side table in my room
I'm sure that there were a few other things that happened to.  Needless to say, I rescheduled his conference that was supposed to be at 12:30.  Those things happened 2-3 or more at a time.  They are listed in no specific order because my brain is fried so I can't remember what order they happened in.  He did them.  I restrained him when he began hurting me.  I let him go.  Things proceeded calmly for about 2-3 minutes (If that) and then he got aggressive again so I restrained him again.  He is getting so strong now.  All 106 lbs of him!!!  Even when he was smaller as he raged he got super strength from somewhere.  Now-a-days he literally scares me on days like today.  Things have not escalated to that point for quite a long time.  Honeybunches also didn't have any computer privileges today and didn't get to go anywhere outside except in our yard. Some days we've been letting him ride his bike to the church up the street, but I told him today I didn't trust him.

Last night he woke up in the night to eat, which also has not happened in a while.  I was not going to give in to his 2:30 in the morning whines for wanting apples and peanut butter.  I thought if I gave in then he'd wake up every night again.  That used to happen but has not for a few months until last night.  Well after a good half hour or forty minutes of screaming at me, I was so tired and my head was hurting that yes... this momma did give him a snack or rather I let him eat some of the snacks the Easter Bunny gave him.  

His conference went well.  Mrs Understanding said that Honeybunches' has just not been himself lately.  He's been "Gitty and hyper and silly" at school.  He accomplished reading another 50 books though!!! She gave him a certificate and a new Webkinz.  He's making a ton of progress and doing better than most of the class with Math.  She talked to me about possibly keeping him for 5th grade too, but that's something we'll discuss more next year.  She said we should think about it though.  I said "That would be awesome".  She thinks there is a way maybe she could have him for 5th and then he could transition to 6th at the middle school which is technically 7-8th, but depending on which program he goes into there he may be able to go for 6th.  Skipping the transition to the school that typically is for 5-6th would be great. She mentioned some "Life Skills" program, but didn't seem to think that would be a good fit for him. 

I only have about 4 weeks left in this semester of school.  I am struggling in Algebra II but the rest of my classes are going well.  I hope that I pass as that's all I am hoping for that class, although passing that is a C or better. Ugh.  They offer free tutoring at the college which I might take advantage of.  It's never been easy for me to ask for help which is what stops me from going there.  I may just have to let my pride down and do it.  I registered for a full load next semester.  I'll take two classes online, two on campus (Which will be long days two days a week from 6 am-1 pm including the bus rides), and a 15-18 hour a week practicum which is like student teaching.  I have to take 5 classes next semester and 4 the semester after.  Then I'll be done!  That is.... as long as I pass this semester's math.  :( Next semester sure is going to be busy.  I chose to take 5 in the fall so I can save up during the Summer to buy my books.  Taking 4 aide has covered all of them, my tuition and given me a few extra $$$. Unless I get one of the scholarships I applied for, I will have to come up with some $$$ somehow to pay for the books.  I will keep searching on Ebay for the ones I see there.  Maybe by the fall I'll find most of them there, but there is always the game of new books every semester that the publishers like to do.  Ugh!

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