Sunday, June 17, 2012

Summer Vacation's Begun!

Summer Vacation has begun!  Thursday was the last day of school, which was a half day.  Honeybunches was good that day, Friday and even yesterday.  Today Princess, Honeybunches and I walked to church. He did fine for a while.  Then in Sunday School he began acting up, ran out of the classroom and we had to search to find him.  He was in a closet hiding.  Then I had Princess stand with him for a quick minute while I went to the bathroom before walking back home and he tried to bite her.  He made some good choices on the way home, although he was frustrated with me because I would not let him stop at the railroad tracks, nor go that way home because of his behaviors.  At one point he said he was not going to walk anymore and I'd have to call Daddy.  Then I told him that I would walk him back to the railroad tracks, but that would be the last time we went there ever, or he could make a different choice, walk home nicely and we'd go back in the morning because tomorrow is a new day.  He thought for a minute and then decided to walk home.  We made it back here without any issues.

Then I let him go to Walmart with my brother and mother.  Right after they left something told me that I should have gone too.  I just got really worried.  When they got home I learned I had good reasons to be.  Honeybunches got mad on the way out of the store because he could not use the crane machine.  My mother already let him spend $7 when he only really had $5.  I guess he refused to get in my brother's car.  Then on the way home he was pinching Princess, pulled clumps of her hair out she showed me, unbuckled her seat belt, pinched her leg really hard, tried throwing her MP3 Player and cell phone out the window, was banging the windows, etc.  My brother said he will never take him anywhere again.  He came upstairs and went to his room for a while.  Now he is playing outside what seems to be calmly again.

Angel is grounded again.  It turns out that Shnooks was in town on Friday night.  Angel was supposed to be sleeping over her friend H's house.  Then she calls me to tell me that she's sleeping over L's house instead.  H's mom called me to tell me that Angel and L refused to get in her car when she went to pick them up.  She also told me that Angel said Shnooks was in town and she was spending time with him.  Angel denied this to begin with.  Then finally she admitted that she was with him for 2 hours.  Shnooks has no business being with my children.  Oh and get this... a few weeks ago I wrote about a situation with this little girl H my mother used to take care of.  It was that little girl's mother's house that Shnooks was staying at! Lovely!!!

 I am really missing my Daddy today. I know he would not want me to be sad though.  I cried for a few minutes.  Then I heard him telling me to stop it because he was okay now.  :(  This first Father's Day without him is a bit hard.  I know that he's up in heaven looking over us though.  My Blazer has been acting up lately.  We didn't have it from two Friday's ago until last Tuesday.  It needed a new radiator.  Then Wednesday we did some errands in the morning.  It was fine.  During one of those errands I found a $50 bill on the ground.  It was soaked because it was pouring out.  There was nobody around in the small parking lot of the grocery store or I would have given it back.  Nobody was there.  Later that day my Blazer refused to start on the way to Honeybunches' pdoc appointment, his counseling and Princess' counseling appointments. I think my father sent me that $$ as his way of still helping me.  He always could fix everything and always helped me fix my vehicles.  Thanks Dad!  I had the blues these past few days.  We were supposed to be at the campground.  I had reservations before the Blazer died.  I guess there is a reason for everything although we don't always know what it is.  Princess' counselor cancelled her for missing 3 appointments.  She was not understanding at all that 1 of them was because my father died the day before, or that the Blazer would not start.  She didn't seem to care.  Princess was supposed to get a paper filled out by her and by the Dean at her school.  Neither happened so the probation officer for her CHINS won't be happy about that when we go see her again.  I guess I'll call somewhere else and try to get her in for counseling again.  Honeybunches pdoc appointment got rescheduled until Wednesday this week.  We never got to the lab to get his blood work yet, because we didn't have a vehicle.

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