Monday, June 25, 2012


Last night Honeybunches had to fast for his labs this morning.  I told him about 7 pm to have a snack and drink.  He was too busy trying to catch some wild bunnies outside so he said he didn't want it.  Well at 8:20 when he finally came inside.  Then he decided he wanted to eat.  "Nope sorry Honeybunches.  Now you can't because you have to go to the lab in the morning."  He was not happy. He fussed for about 3+ hours.  "I'm thirsty.  I need a drink.  I can't sleep until you give me one." I kept telling him he could have a few sips of plain water, but he didn't want that because he said plain water is nasty and "It taste nothing".  He threw a few things around his room, but didn't get aggressive. Finally about 10:30 he had his few sips of plain water and went to sleep.  He sure is a determined boy.  He literally didn't stop screaming, crying and fussing for 3 hours.  Hopefully one day he will put all that determination to good use lol. Things at the lab went smoothly.  His favorite lab tech was there so he did fine.  She always finds his veins the 1st time without going digging like some of the other techs do.  After that we came home so he could eat breakfast and then brought him to his 1st day of the Summer program.  This week is tutoring with just him and Mr M.  Next week he'll be with one other boy and work on socialization skills for those next three weeks.  Anyways there was a horrible thunder storm this morning.  We had power here, but when we got downtown the traffic lights were not working.  There was no power at his school and the security alarm was sounding off. Mr M and I decided it would be a better idea to reschedule today for Friday because the school was dark black inside.  I have a headache from last night.

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