Thursday, December 13, 2012

Updates from school

12/10/12 Note from Communication Book:
"He had a good day.  Some testing behaviors.  Very silly at different parts of the day.  He refused to read when I asked him to.  It was nothing big.  He made a good choice in the end.  He seemed thirstier than normal.  He drank 3 bottles of water.  He had a good day overall."

Honeybunches woke up before 5 am this day!  He had a productive morning though.  He chose to complete a spelling sheet that came home.  That was all his idea.  He took it out of his bag, sat at the table and did it all within just a couple minutes. 

Note from Communication Book:
"Several refusals today.  He also refused to come out of the bathroom at snack because he was angry at me.  I told him he did not earn eating his snack int he meeting room because he refused to do some of his Math.  He began to crawl on the bathroom floor.  There was no reasoning with him so (Principal) came to intervene.  He came back to class fine.  He refused to complete reading, so he lost free time.  After lunch he was okay until about 2:15.  He became disruptive, so he was escorted to time out.  He went willingly."

12/12/12 Awesome day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12/13/12: Note from Communication Book:
"He had a good morning.  However, after lunch his behavior went downhill.  He ended up having to be restrained.  He became aggressive towards (1:1 aide), kicking and pinching her. During Word of the Day, he became very silly and disruptive.  He was given choices.  As a result, he needed to be escorted out of the room to the time out space and was engaged in a brief restraint.  He calmed quickly.  He came back to class and participated very nicely in our BINGO game.  The incident was prompted by a refusal to comply with a simple request after choices were given.  He swiped contents off the chalkboard.  He then grabbed the remote off a tv cart in the hallway and attempted to throw it down the hallway.  While being escorted, he became aggressive."

I wonder how his afternoon will go.  Right now, he went for a quick ride with Daddy to go look at the train tracks with the hope a train will pass by.  Honeybunches knows that when he is aggressive with people, he doesn't get computer privileges for the rest of the day.   I hope that doesn't cause issues.  We shall see!!!

It's hard to believe only 12 days left until Christmas.  My little man still believes in Santa.  Yesterday he was so cute.  After school he was telling me how the principal has Santa's # and told him that they've been good.  He asked if I had Santa's # too.  Then he said "Ssshhhhhhhhhh he is watching". 

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