Monday, November 19, 2012

A Vegan Thanksgiving

Here is what is on my Vegan Thanksgiving menu:

Stuffing (A bag of herbed stuffing prepared with chopped peppers, onion and celery along with vegetable broth and a bit of water.)
Mashed potatoes and gravy (I mash potatoes with a vegan margarine and some Adobo.  Then I use this vegan brown gravy
Vegan potato salad (Made with potatoes, Vegenaise, Celery Salt, pepper, a dash of Italian dressing, onion, and of course pickles lol.)
Vegan baked mac & cheese (Mix flour, 1 packet of Goya Sazon, a block of melted Daiya Cheddar Wedge and a bag of Galaxy Mozzarella Soy Shreds. Bake at 350 until cheese is all melted and it's a bit crusty on top.)
Collard Greens (Boiled with olive oil, Goya Adobo, vinegar and 1/2 onion)
Corn made easy (A couple cans of corn, topped with salt, pepper and Earth's Balance Buttery Spread thrown in the microwave for about 3 minutes)
Biscuits (I found these at the local grocery store and they were accidentally Vegan)
Pies! (Sweet potato, pumpkin, peach and banana pudding) {For the peach pie, I am using peaches that my mother has frozen from my father's peach tree.  I'll just be using this recipe for crust and putting just a touch of raw sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg on top.  I like the fruit pies to taste fruity and not sugary.} {For the banana pudding pie, I plan on using a graham cracker crust I found that is accidentally Vegan.  I'll prepare the banana pudding as directed using almond milk instead of regular milk.  Then I'll put a layer of sliced bananas on the crust, a layer of pudding and more bananas on top.}

So that's what our big dinner will look like.  I actually have to cook more than that because I have to add in a turkey for the meat eaters, regular baked mac & cheese and regular potato salad with eggs and real mayo.  My son and I are the only Vegans in the family.  We also have to feed DH, the girls, my mother and brother.  One of my sisters will be coming later in the day for desert. I like to make enough on Thanksgiving so I don't have to cook again for a few days. Well... at least not make anything major.  I plan on having plain leftovers on Friday.  Then we'll make things like tofurkey (And turkey for the meat eaters) pot pie, stir fry, chilli, empanadas, tacos, etc.  This is the 3rd Vegan Thanksgiving, but my 1st one trying a Tofurkey.  In previous years my son and I just ate the sides.  I'm curious how it will come out, if it will pass his smell test and if he'll like it. I think I will because I love Tofurkey slices that are used to make sandwiches.  I have read the key is to slice the Tofurkey thin.  We shall see lol...

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