Monday, November 19, 2012

Extra Time and Jealousy...

So over the weekend I heard from Honeybunches teacher.  She sent me an email saying that she spoke with his old teacher (Who works in the behavior room) for an hour after school on Friday discussing Honeybunches.  They looked at a copy of his Safety Plan and are going to sit down together with the school psychologist and counselor "To tweak it so that something like what happened on Thursday will not happen again."  I am thankful that they took the time to do that.  They could have easily said "The day is done... We are leaving." 

Honeybunches weekend went mostly well, until yesterday evening. We had dinner with my mother and brother.  He made me giggle a bit.  I was downstairs visiting with my mother for a while after we ate.  He told me that I had 5 more minutes then I needed to go upstairs.  He called down for me even, saying that he gave me 5 extra minutes.  I guess he thinks I belong upstairs in our apartment lol.  After dinner and visiting I played Yatzee with Princess.  She needed Mommy time too.  That went okay.  A couple hours later I went into the bedroom to watch television with DH for a few minutes.  (He has not been feeling too well... has a really bad cold or flu.)  Honeybunches came in to ask what I was doing.  I said that I was just watching television for a couple minutes with Daddy.  About not even 5 minutes later Princess comes into the room telling us that Honeybunches hit her on the head with a dog toy.  We told him to go to his room.  Then another minute later she comes back screaming.  Honeybunches hit her on the head with a metal can of computer cleaning spray.  We put him back in his room.  I comforted her giving her ice for it.  She held that on for a while.  I was wondering all night what caused him to get aggressive with her.  I could not find a reason and that was really bothering me.  He has not had unprovoked aggression since before he went to the phosp in 2009.  I knew there just had to be a reason.  This morning I was mentioning to DH how I was wondering what caused Honeybunches to do what he did.  DH said something that made me realize that Honeybunches was jealous about Princess getting time.  That's probably why he did that to her.  I plan on playing a game with him after school today.  He gets so much of our time for so many reasons.  Princess needed some too, but when he gets like that it causes it to be harder to give it to her.  We will go back to being 1:1 with him again for a while.  I don't plan on going into the room for a breather anymore while he's awake.  Tomorrow is Honeybunches last appointment with his counselor.  I am sure that is affecting him emotionally too. 

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