Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Persuasion, "Ooh... Ahhh" and Awesome IEP Meeting

Friday was an awesome day for Honeybunches at school.  He had a good weekend too.

Monday his Communication Book stated how "He had a small issue at recess with two classmates.  Honeybunches was told by one child to throw the swing at another classmate. Teachers intervened.  The group was split up.  The first child was put in time out.  E and the other student ran off to play a chasing game. It seemed friendly enough and didn't turn into any angry play."

I am glad that the other student got disciplined and not him.  I can see how in a few years people may be taking advantage of him to fight their fights for them.  When he gets to the upper grades, the schools will likely not be as tolerant.  They won't want to hear "Well ____ told me to do it".

Tuesday at counseling L was playing Emotional BINGO with Honeybunches.  The way they play it, he picks a card.  Then he has to talk about what the feelings mean. He picked "In Love".  Honeybunches said "That's when a boy kisses a girl.  Oooh.  Ahhh. That feels good." Oh goodness!!! Does that mean puberty is coming soon?

This morning we had Honeybunches annual IEP meeting.  The SPED Director said his 1:1 aide will receive Restraint Training on 11/2. They are going to clarify a few things in his IEP.  We had a discussion about his possible placements for next year.  The two options presented included "The Integrated Learning Center" at his current school or a classroom that's the same type he's at now, but at the 5th-6th grade school.  The teacher at the ILC was Honeybunches' teacher in K-1st back when he was struggling. Princess used to call that teacher's room "The class for children with behavioral issues".  Everyday when Honeybunches would get to school in that room, he'd greet the other children.  Then they'd say something with a negative attitude to him or be rude to him and that would throw his whole day off.  I'd see his face go from happy to sad in about 1 second.  It was heartbreaking.  That teacher was a good teacher.  It was just that his classroom was not the correct environment for him.  He's made so much progress with his current teacher.  I voiced my concerns about how to him, that would seem like going backwards.  They agreed.  We believed as a team that a similar classroom to the one he's in now, at the 5-6th grade school would be the best fit.  Of course we'll see how his year goes, but that's what we are leaning towards thinking.  I have concerns over how the transition will go. The teacher said she will do some transitioning in the Spring with the children who will be going to the new school touring it, meeting the new teacher, she'll talk with the new teacher about him and stuff like that.

 I requested that his 1:1 aide (Yes, his new one) be able to transition with him.  The SPED Director approved that request (Unless something unforeseen happens).

I also requested that he be able to ride a bus to the school next year. We live .9 miles.  At one mile a bus is required in our district.  The SPED director approved that request too.  I mentioned how he'd be walking to school, see a butterfly and wander into somebody's yard following it.  His teacher said she could see that happening.

 I requested Summer Tutoring, which the SPED director also approved.  He might add in a Summer Enrichment Program with 1:1 aide, but it's unknown if that will be an option based on funding (Whether that program will even exist in the Summer is unknown at this point). 

He's making a ton of steady progress.  He met many of his IEP goals from last year, so they are making him new ones.  His services will remain the same:
  • Speech 1x30 individual; 1x30 group to reinforce the skills learned individually
  • OT 1x30
  • PT 1x30
  • Counseling 1x30
  • Social Skills Group
His reading fluency picked up, so they are working on comprehension.  In reading he's at an end 2nd grade or beginning 3rd grade level so he's a bit delayed in that area still.

We talked about his transition to the new aide.  The school counselor mentioned how Honeybunches is actually greiving.  He thought Mr. N got sick because one day he went to the doc and never came back so he was worried.  She's actually doing some greif counseling with him. He is very depressed because Mr. N left him the counselor said so they're focusing on those feelings right now and how to get through this.  I'm glad she's working on those things with him.  His teacher said that if any opportunity arises for him to test Mrs T he'll  take it.  She mentioned how yesterday at recess Honeybunches picked up a stick.  She said staff intervened quickly so it didn't escalate, but if they hadn't she has no doubt that he would have hit somebody with it.  (Congratulations to the staff for working so quickly and knowing my son lol...)  She said he's constantly thinking "What can I get away with"?  He one day threatened to punch the classroom aide.  Then an officer was in the building, so he stopped in to see what was going on.  Honeybunches was interested in him, asking if he had handcuffs, a badge, a tazer, a gun, a police car, etc. They said that made him change his tune really quick.  They thought it was because he was an officer.  I told them I think it's because one day he might just be an officer and how he is always pretending to be one at home.

Last year Honeybunches got excused from the MCAS and did an MCAS Alt instead (Which was a portfolio instead of the testing).  This year the team suggested that he take the MCAS with "Every accommodation there is".  This is to include a private setting with 1:1 aide, scribe, tracking, typing, unlimited time and more.  I shall see once I get his IEP in front of me...

In counseling they are going to work more this year with helping E find words for his behaviors/feelings, calming techniques and continue grief work.  Overall this was a very positive IEP meeting.  This was the 1st time they didn't have his IEP for me to read though.  They are changing some of his goals, updating his safety plan, and making some other changes.  It worked out though, because they can put the things I requested that we agreed upon today in it.  His current IEP doesn't technically expire until 10/29 anyways, so they have a few days.  I expect with their extra time, that things will be perfect and it will meet my approval lol. 

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