Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Control Game~! And the winner is...

Around 3 pm as I was getting ready to go out for the bus, the phone rang.  The school called to tell us that Honeybunches was refusing to get on the bus.  They had to hold the bus for him. Then as we were talking, the secretary said he did get on the bus with the help of his aide, the principal and school psychologist.  A couple minutes later the phone rang again.  When I seen "--- town of" on the caller ID I knew it was them again.  Turns out the bus only made it to "The playground when they had to turn around because (Honeybunches) was hitting his aide and the bus driver".  Thankfully my brother was home, so we could use his car to go pick him up.  DH and I got there within a few minutes.  Honeybunches was in his classroom, at his desk looking very sad.  The teacher, principal, school counselor and school psychologist were all there in his class.  I told them again a couple times that he needs a man.  The 2nd time I said "I don't think I can demand a man".  Everyone (They are all ladies) got some laughs out of that lol.  In all seriousness he really does.  I know this was part testing his aide and part a control issue.  The control issue became clear when I asked him why he would not get on the bus.  He said "Cause they were making me get my coat and it's sunny out".  He told them that he was going to refuse to get on the bus.  That was his plan.  This was his game.  Guess who won?  He clearly did.  I hope that this does not continue.  I told the principal, teacher, counselor and psychologist that I was concerned about it continuing because he won the control and the test.  Just that fact, might make this more likely to happen again.  He loves to be in control.  I am 100% sure that if his previous aide Mr. N was with him none of this would have happened.  He would have gotten on that bus even if Mr. N had to make him.  Them letting Honeybunches have this control is not good.  I told the principal that his aide needs restraint training.  They said they have it scheduled for the 20-something of this month.  Thankfully we have his IEP meeting next week.  Looks like we'll have a lot to discuss.  Our rule at home is that if he is aggressive with people then he doesn't get to go on the computer.  I told him today that if we have to go to school and pick him up again that he won't go on the computer.  He seemed to be listening and understand.  DH told him that if we had to go get him again, he also would stay upstairs.  He loves the computer and being outside so hopefully that might stop this test from happening again.  It might or might not depending on how much control E wants at school.  We shall see!

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