Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our New Picture Schedule...

 For several years we did a picture schedule with Honeybunches. When he began reading, we went by a written one instead. Then after a while when he was doing well we just ditched the schedule altogether. He always has thrived off structure, so to help the Summer go more smooth I decided to reimplement the picture schedule. He is a very visual child, so although he can read there is something about seeing how the day is going to go that helped him a lot in the past. To begin I wrote up things that we might do everyday beginning with his weekly appointments and everyday things like the morning and evening routine. Then I wrote up things we might do during different parts of the year thinking of everything possible. Once I had an inclusive list, I looked through pictures I had to see which ones I had of him doing things on the list. Then I copy and pasted those pictures next to the words for them. From there I went to the websites of his appointments to try to find pictures of his doctors or the buildings. Then I used Google to get the rest. I printed out everything and then cut them with craft scissors. I had this cork-board that was of no use in the kitchen. Well, intentionally it had a use for a while with being "Our weekly work and accomplishment" board, but it had the same stuff on it for many months. I figured it would get more use this way and works perfect for what I wanted to do. I like how he can take off the things after he does them if he chooses to do so. It's also very changeable for different days when we might have long appointments, etc. Here is his picture schedule in pictures... 


Honeybunches likes to put Xs on the lunch menu on days he wants home lunch and put squares around the days he does want.  It helps me to know in the mornings what to pack him. 

  And now for a game of "NAME THAT MED"....

 The feelings chart...

 And our dinner menu...

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