Friday, May 18, 2012

Letter from DCF: Shnooks update

I got some old updates on Shnooks from a paper that came in the mail yesterday.  It was notes from his foster care review meeting that took place back in January.  Yup, it took them 4 months to give us the notes.  Anyways here are the important parts of the 3 pages...

  1. "Shnooks connected with his maternal grandmother in November 2011... Their communication has been positive.  She is assisting Shnooks in paying his restitution.  He owes $2000 on destruction of property charges"
  2. "Shnooks has been in his current RTC placement since March 2011.  He is awaiting a step down to specialized foster care."
  3. "After Shnooks came in to care, in October 2010 his half sister (Whose name DCF can't even spell right lol) disclosed that he has been sexually inappropriate with her.  No charges have been filed.  An ASAP eval found him to be at low risk to sexually offend."
  4. "Shnooks is in 12th grade.  He is reported to be on track to graduate in Spring 2012. He expressed a desire to go to college and study criminal justice.  He is awaiting results of his MCAS testing."
  5. "On December 21, 2011 Shnooks took Suboxone in combination with his prescription medication.  He had a severe reaction that could have been life threatening.  It was reported at this meeting that on 2 separate occasions since that incident, Shnooks has been questioned as to marijuana use and presenting as under the influence.  Substance abuse treatment is recommended."
  6. "Shnooks CHINS was back at court on the morning of this meeting to address his Suboxone and marijuana use.  It was continued to March 2012."
  7. "Shnooks is prescribed Adderall and Trileptal."
  8. "Shnooks father and stepmother (Us) are found as insufficiently completing their service plan tasks.  They have not been engaged in case planning."
  9. "Shnooks was found as insufficiently completing his service plan tasks.  He continues to place himself at risk.  He was hospitalized for combining Suboxone with his prescription medication on December 21, 2011.  Since that time he has appeared or have given consequences for marijuana use on at least two occasions that included school and at the program."
  10. "Shnooks tends to dodge responsibility for inappropriate choices.  If this energy could be challenged in a more positive way his potential is endless."
I have many things about this report that don't sit right with me....
  1. They could not spell my daughter's name right. 
  2. There were no charges filed, but it's not like we didn't try.  We reported what he did to DCF, to the police, to the D.A, brought our dd to an evaluation with the D.A. and did everything we could to try to get what happened resolved.  They didn't have enough evidence.  
  3. How they can let him talk to his maternal grandmother is another story.  Before we got Shnooks she abused him for 10 years.  He had many horror stories to tell as he showed me scars all over his body.  Besides physically abusing him, she let his half brother sexually abuse him and then beat him when he told about it!  She also neglected him.  DH and I would buy him new clothing which would sit in his closet while he wore rags which were much to small for him.  DCF and the judge gave us custody.  IDK how they could let him even contact her.... 
  4. We were not told of his very serious hospitalization!  I didn't find out about it until we got this note yesterday!!!!!  RRRR. Although he's not in our lives anymore, that never meant we don't care!
  5. We are found as insufficiant.... when DCF man had not come around since several months before this meeting... when I called DCF to get updates and nobody called me back... when DCF man SUGGESTED we not go to previous meetings because Charlie would be there and it would be in everyone's best interest if we didn't go (Plus he knew we had Honeybunches, lack of gas money, and was understanding about us not wanting to see him because of what he did to Princess).  So for them to find us "Insufficiant" really pisses me off!!! Plus we were never told of any "Case Plan" meetings!!!!
  6. I've told them all along that he doesn't do well on Adderall.  He needs to be on more meds for his BP.  It's obvious whatever he's on now still isn't working!  He needs an antipsychotic on board.  
  7. I have issues with not receiving this paper until now, when the meeting happened in January!
There I got all the things that anger me about this note out of my system.  Shnooks is 18 now.  I was under the impression that our case with DCF because of his CHINS was closed more than six months ago.  From the look of his Facebook page, he's in a gang (The Bloods), dealing some type of drug, and still loving his marijuana.  Looks like the RTC did a heck of a lot for him! (Sarcastically of course, because they didn't do much of anything...). :( Oh well.  We've moved on with our lives as much as we possibly can.  While I miss him and will always love him, I know in my heart we did all we could for him.

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