Friday, March 9, 2012

Lesson of the day

Honeybunches has been doing well, but today was a bit of a rough day for him.  His regular 1:1 aide was not at school.  We knew Wednesday he would not be so it was not unexpected.  I drove him to school and picked him up so the sub aide would not have to.  His communication book stated "He had a great morning.  He did have a little meltdown at recess.  He was playing with three other children.  He became very frustrated and lashed out.  He kicked one child and hit two others.  He then ran into the building.  We found him in the boys bathroom.  (His old behavioral classroom teacher) coaxed him out of the stall.  He came willingly.  I was waiting for him.  I asked him if he was okay and he said yes.  Then I asked him if we could go someplace quiet to talk.  He came with me.  We went to the meeting room.  He told me he became angry because the kids were all shouting at once. I asked him if he was frustrated and explained what it was.  He said yes.  We talked about ways to deal with how he felt instead of lashing out.  We also talked about how he felt now and how the other kids felt.  He apologized on his own.  He made some really good choices.  After the meltdown he came back to the room and seemed fine."

His teacher told me about the incident when I picked him up.  She said when he apologized she had him tell them why he did what he did (That their screaming made him frustrated) so they'd understand why.  I know that his teacher really is a blessing in his life.  I love how she turned this all into a teaching lesson about feelings, etc.  IMO she dealt with things perfectly.  There is something special about his aide.  Would things have happened if he was there with Honeybunches today?  IDK.  It's hard to know.... but I doubt it.  There is a slight chance that yes, maybe it would have.  There seems to be something about having him there which calms him though.  It's either him especially or because he is a man.  They do have an awesome connection though. 

Honeybunches read to me tonight.  His fluency is really picking up.  He's getting faster and his reading is going more smoothly.  :)  This afternoon he was more frustrated because I would not let him go on the computer.  He knows that aggression means no computer.  That's been our rule for a few years.  He threatened to kick Princess because I would not let him go on.  He didn't end up doing that though.  Things didn't escalate and he was okay.  Just a bit irritable.  He did use his words and said he was "Exhausted" which was a new word for him. 

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