Yesterday, when I went to pick up Honeybunches' medications, I was told that they now needed prior authorizations. In talking with "P" the psych nurse practitioner, she described a "New horrible program which MassHealth has". They wanted prior auths for his Abilify, Clonidine and Tenex. He's been taking Clonidine since 2007, Abilify and Tenex since 2009. "P" said that she had to fight with them to keep him on Abilify, which she successfully did. They did not, however, want him on both Clonidine and Tenex since they are similar. Instead, tonight he went off them both cold turkey and onto Intuniv. He took it okay, after it passed his smell test. I am worried about Clonidine withdrawals, which I read so much about online last night but the pharmacist told me should not be an issue with Intuniv as a safety cushion. Here is more information about MassHealth's lovely new Pediatric Behavioral Health Medication Initiative. I am very concerned and frustrated. I spent much of the morning praying, reading bible verses and listening to worship music.