Monday, March 5, 2012

Sickness and Blessings

I just realized it has been a couple weeks since my last post.  Everyone in my house has been taking turns getting sick.  Last week was Honeybunches' turn.  He was sick with some stomach bug on Sunday when he vomited so last Monday I kept him home.  Tuesday I sent him to school, but they called before the day even began for DH to go pick him up.  Wednesday I kept him home again.  Thursday was a snow day.  Friday he finally made it to school and lasted a full day.  He seems to be feeling better now.  He's doing good. 

Today I went to the SPED PAC meeting here.  Only myself and another parent went. I love talking with her.  She has a son with similar issues to mine and I always learn something from her.  The SPED director said he hears how awesome Honeybunches is doing.  It's true. He's making a ton of progress and I am very proud of him!  When I got home from the SPED PAC meeting Honeybunches told me that "Daddy was acting up".  Yup, he tried giving Honeybunches water or juice.  Bad Daddy lol.  He didn't give Honeybunches his usual night time protein shake (Because he didn't know how to make it).  So I guess Daddy really was acting up lol. SPED director said I should call a meeting before the end of this school year to discuss Honeybunches' summer placement, 1:1 aide and placement for next Fall.  I was not sure if we needed a meeting because he's been doing so well, but he said it's a good idea because I might "Learn something new".  He said his goal for Honeybunches is to one day be mainstreamed.  Honestly back in Kindergarten I would not have seen that as a possibility.... EVER.  Now I can see it maybe happening eventually... just not now.  He's doing great in the placement he is in and making a ton of progress.  One day down the road I do hope that he can tolerate a regular classroom, even if only for a couple hours.  Right now, I just don't see it happening, but I can in the future which is not something I could have even visioned a few years ago.  He's come such a long way.  It is sad that out off all the parents in our district who have children on IEPs that only myself and that other mother go to the meetings. 

I won 12 candybars from Go Max Go .  Honeybunches loved the Cleo's which are like Vegan Reese's.  I am going to tell the Easter Bunny to order him some. ;)  My family has received many blessings these past couple weeks which I am very thankful for.  God provides not when we want things, but when we need them. 

Oh, the case of the missing vacuum has been solved!  DH finally admitted that he broke it and thought I'd be too mad because it was brand new so he threw it away.  I hate lying so I was pissed for a few days about that. 

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