Saturday, March 2, 2013

Honeybunches IEP Meeting and Seroquel

When we seen the pdoc last Wednesday I let her know how much I don't like Geodon for Honeybunches as it seems like it's too much but also not enough and it's causing his sleep schedule to be all messed up.  She placed him on Seroquel XR.  For the 1st two nights he was on 100 mg, but now he's on 200 mg which is where she plans to keep him for a bit.  Then on Friday he'll come off the Geodon.

We had his IEP progress meeting on Friday which the school requested. It went pretty well.  The school is mostly concerned with his sleeping and social regression. He's not wanting to be around the other children much at recess or during other activities. I told them we've noticed the same thing at home with him wanting to eat dinner in his room alone. Next year he was supposed to move onto a new school that is the town's 5-6th grade school, but the school psychologist, his teacher, the SPED director and I all agreed it will be best for him to stay at his current school in the "Integrated Learning Center" with the teacher he had in K-1st grade. It's a "New innovative program for elementary aged students who will benefit from added emotional and behavioral supports". It's a whole new wing of the school that they have for that including a classroom, their own computer room and the new big time out space or "Quiet room" as the principal called it when she took me on a tour. They might be able to break it into two separate classes with two teachers next year depending on the budget.

   I had concerns about the transition for many reasons. The school psych said she has been trying to be optimistic, but she was getting very concerned too.  She said that although the teacher he was supposed to have next year was well qualified, there are less resources at the school for Honeybunches and less people to call upon if he needs assistance.  At the current school there are the teacher he'll have and others who are specially trained to deal with children who have more behavioral needs.  The school psych also said that his needs are at the more severe end of what the teacher at the other school can deal with.  

 At least this way Honeybunches will be familiar with the staff and won't have to change schools. I did voice some concerns about how much progress he's made with his current teacher and how I want to make sure he'll be challenged academically. They said that Mrs Understanding his current teacher can plan his academics with Mr M the new/old teacher. They also told me that he might be able to do "Pull-Outs" to go to Mrs Understanding's class for some academics. They asked me if I am concerned that he won't have many peers his age to interact with because he'll remain at the 3-4th grade school, but there may be a couple other children in Mr M's class who will be in his grade. I'm not really concerned about that. He plays better with younger children anyways. His teacher said socially he's more on a 2nd grade level. The SPED director suggested we meet again in May to go over his summer planning and once again his progress. His current IEP is good until October 31st, but the SPED Director is going to re-do it at the beginning of September, because the 3rd week in September he's retiring and we'll have a new SPED Director. It's great that he'll get that taken care of before he leaves so I won't have to worry about the new one cutting anything. I told him I'll miss him and all that mushy stuff. Made him feel special lol.

The SPED Director asked me to be the SPED PAC (Special Education Parent's Advisory Counsel) President!!!! I agreed.  That made me feel special.  I've been going to all the SPED PAC meetings since Honeybunches was in Kindergarten though.  I've been the only one at some of the meetings, so I guess it's well deserved.  

DH has been unstable for a few weeks, but today and yesterday were a bit better.  Things were rough for a little while with him.  He was Mr Grouch and doing a lot of isolating.  

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